Wednesday, October 21, 2015

CIS 120 Blog 4

This week has been fun for this course. I took the SAM test and did great. I am somewhat worried about the next few SAM tests, although I knew most answers to the last test. The first test for this course last week I was definitely worried about but I did great. So happy about that.

This weeks topic for discussion. Rise of the Machines. Wow! Yet another article that is hard for me to even wrap my head around. The most interesting thing, in my opinion, was the research project and discovering robots lying. They programmed something around 100 robots and placed them in an arena. Programmed to find a piece of food (represented as a blue ring) and the robot that finds it is supposed to turn on a blue light atop it's "head". All the while these robots are speaking with each other and telling every other robot where the food is. After several runs of this project, the robots began evolving and hoarding the resources. They began doing this even though this was NEVER in their original programming. This is incredibly interesting to me. How are they doing this without being ordered to do so? They are learning by themselves, and that seems somewhat dangerous to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for advance in technology. I think it can take us so far, in the not so distant future. However, this is quite remarkable to me. How in just a few short hours, or days, the robots were able to begin learning for themselves. The article did also say many AI scientist's believe we are far from Artificial intelligence due to how little we understand our own brains. I just have to end this blog with WOW! This is an awesome article.

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